Sunday, July 8, 2007

Iowa City shopping has it all

So I was looking up one of my favorite stores in Iowa City, Ia (Jeff's hometown) on google and stumbled across a Lucky magazine (well, website) article featuring my favorite stores there. Let me mention that I love shopping in obscure places, so this group of articles made me smile.
You must read--and if you get a chance to go there anytime readers-- my picks are Revival, Akar, White Rabbit, and Active Endeavors (not mentioned in the article).


Winnie said...

so i have a long sunday in front of me as camp david kidos arrive. it's an "oh boy" day.

I love you!

Winnie said...

by the way that had nothing to do with your lovely post about iowa shops. lovely that lucky has it online. i must read this month's mag and see if it's in there.

The Lorax said...

Ooooo love shoppping. Not.

Sky Girl said...

Hey. Glad to see you have a blog now. BTW, my computer crashed AND my cell phone died, so I need your home email (for when my computer is working again) and your home/work phones to put into my new cell phone.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.

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